Collection: Powerforce AMC Dampers

Professional Products Harmonic Dampers for AMC V8's have been a very popular product, mainly because we offer the only affordable performance damper for this group of engines.

We supply a damper and three counterweights for AMC engines. The basic damper is neutral balance and can be used "as is" for neutral balance engines. Counterweights are provided for the 304 engine, the 360 engine, and the 401 engine. These are all four bolt pulley style dampers.

It's important to note that AMC made 343 and 390 engines which used three bolt pulleys. If you have a 390 and convert to four bolt pulleys, you can use this damper. For 390 engines, compare your 390 damper to the instruction illustrations to determine which weight to use.

Harmonic Damper Installation